We Become What We Behold

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4.2 (6 Reviews)

In "We Become What We Behold," you're not just an observer; you're a witness to the transformative power of media on society. Step into a seemingly ordinary public square, where people go about their daily lives, interacting in a world shaped by your control of the news ticker.

As you manipulate the headlines flashing across the screen, you'll notice the subtle yet profound effects on the behavior of those in the square. Sometimes, your messages breed harmony and unity, guiding individuals towards peaceful coexistence. Other times, however, they ignite sparks of conflict, fueling division and discord among the populace.

This thought-provoking experience serves as a poignant reminder of the immense influence wielded by the media in shaping our actions and perceptions. Through a simple yet impactful gameplay mechanic, "We Become What We Behold" prompts reflection on how the stories we consume can shape our understanding of the world and influence the way we interact with one another.

"We Become What We Behold" is more than just a game; it's a profound exploration of the intricate relationship between media, society, and individual behavior. It invites players to critically examine the ways in which media influences our perceptions, behaviors, and ultimately, our collective reality. Discover the best free online games at Snapgame.



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